FOOD SPOT: Spicy Black Sesame Ramen

Posted by Greg Narvasa On Wednesday, September 22, 2010 0 comments

One of my favorite students invited my BF and I out to dinner for my BF's birthday. We headed out to Tachikawa and ate in the Granduo restaurant floor at a Chinese spot. They suggested the Black sesame ramen which the husband always would get. We also ordered fried rice with beef which was a massive amount including dry rub spicy chicken wings and a few mugs of beer. I defiantly was about to pop!

After we headed on over to the game centers to win prizes for her son. I was happy to win him a GIANT snoopy plushy, he seemed to love it. Tachikawa is all the way on the west side of Tokyo, but it seems have a lot going for it, including some night life. If you get a chance i highly suggest taking the Chuo line on out west for a see.

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